Thursday, August 25, 2011

Wreaking Havoc!!

School has officially started and my little Bronco has ponied up and moved on to 2nd grade.  I struggled all summer with holding him back and decided that if I'm going to do it, I need to do it when it matters most and I just didn't feel like 1st grade was it.  That advice came from a good friend (well, her dad! lol) but I think it was great advice. With an actual diagnosis of developmental delays, I really think that only time, patience and extra services will be the most beneficial at this point in his life.  So wish me luck. :) 
So since school has's been wreaking havoc on our home life.  My son is adorable and says the cutest and sometimes, sweetest things, but by the time he gets home from school he is a hot mess in a pair of Air Jordan's.  I have to's flat out hard.  My voice keeps gets louder as the night goes on and he keeps ignoring me and yelling random words and noises because he is equally frustrated but doesn't know how to voice it.  I know what your thinking - all kids are frustrating.  This is true...and very different.  Ben sometimes doesn't HAVE words to try to get out of going to bed.  He has yelling (usually just the word Mommy), making noises at the top of his lungs which sometimes include motorboat noises and lots of slobber, and sometime just a frustrated yell and spitting on the floor. My son has a mouth that just won't quit (where on EARTH did he get that from??) Now keep in mind, it does start out simple usually...but there is NO discussion or direction following.  If he disagrees, he immediately launches into his rant.  I feel like a terrible parent having to yell at him for simple things like picking up, taking a bath, going to bed or brushing his teeth....but I know I have to keep control of the situation.  (Insert big, exhausted sigh here).  It definitely wasn't this bad when he came home from daycare during the summer, I can't figure out why.  So wish me luck on working to help him correct his behavior and helping him find the words to use when he's frustrated or excited. I love my little punk more than anything and I just want him to be successful and happy and most importantly, I want him to be a KID, while he actually is a kid.  I hate being the big bad mommy, but I guess someone has to do it! :)
 On a side note..I am finally on the downhill slide with MY school.  I started OU this fall (though still an OSU fan) on my Criminal Justice degree, still a ways to go, but getting closer! :) 

1 comment:

  1. Stay strong sister! Can you imagine where Ben would be now if you hadn't been the authoritative figure in his life? And A BIG CONGRATULATIONS on school! OU is a wonderful school!
