Tuesday, October 25, 2011

We're baaaack!

Don't count me out just yet! I've been thinking about updating my blog for quite some time, but as we all know, life gets in the way.  But here we are, sneaking up behind ya!

That said -- not much has changed.  My kiddo and I are just working hard on maintaining. The last time I blogged, I mentioned how the change of returning to school was killing us.  Fortunately, I think it's slowly being accepted. And yes, it's taken this long.  I hate that it's midway through the semester and then we get to Christmas break and it's another change.  It's a constant struggle.  Such is life I suppose.  On a positive note, we had parent teacher conferences today and they had nothing but good things to say about Ben.  Of course we need to work on a few things, but overall, he's doing well in school which makes me even prouder (as if that's possible!).

I love that I learn more and more about Ben and see him grow and improve through his therapies.  I don't see as much improvement from his school therapies (occupational and speech), but a dramatic difference with his therapists out of school.  Not only is he learning how to appropriately act around children his own age, he is maturing, physically functioning better and has a vocabulary that's blowing up.  Now every time he disagrees with something I do I get a "Mom! That's INappropriate!"  lol  He is also becoming more confident in his abilities and slowly becoming more comfortable with himself....the most important person. 

My return to blogging will be short (-er than usual!) and sweet this time, but I leave you with this "mature" conversation with my son:
  • Ben: "Mom, when I grow up, I'm moving away with my family."
  • Me: "Aw you're going to leave me all alone?"
  • Ben: "I'm going to move away and live with my own family like you live with your own family, Mom.  But we will come visit you"
My little boy is growing up. :)


  1. That about made me cry. Coolest kid in all the land. I love you both!

  2. What a great blog Sam!! I'm happy to hear that things are going better and dare I say, a bit smoother? He's such a brilliant and vibrant (and FUNNY!) kid!! Keep up the good work!!! Love you both! Sarah Graves (your favorite cousin) <3
